Monday, July 18, 2011

How to be more social?

When I'm around my friends, I'm perfectly fine. I can talk and joke and smile and yell and be loud easily. But other times, like in class for example, I"m completely silent. If anybody talks to me, I get really surprised and flustered, and I stutter. T.T I get really taken off guard when strangers talk to me. How do I get this to stop???

Loose Tooth HELP! What Should I do?

I got a basketball hit on my lower jaw, making one of my teeth slightly loose. I don't see it move when I try to move it, its connected to my other teeth through braces. The loosening seems from the gums. Should I just leave it and let if fix by itself? Considering that it is minimal loosening?

How to minimize cell phone bill?

I really only need a cell phone so people can get a hold of me if they have an emergency. Therefore the basic phone function as well as long distance within the U.S. is all I need. Yahoo community, please give me some advise on which cell phone company to buy service from and how to trim down the monthly bill to a minimum. Thanks.

White House loosens border rules for 2012 - Can you believe how corrupt this "man" is?

It's a familiar scenario here in the UK. Gordon Brown operated a virtual open door policy on immigration in the hope that he would gain votes from immigrants. Fortunately the indigenous population saw through his plan and voted him out of office at the first opportunity. We still have a huge percentage of immigrants here as a direct result of his attempted gerrymandering. Hopefully the new administration are aware and will grow a pair and start tackling the situation soon.

The police (uk) put my cuffs on real tight?

I work in police stations, being appropriate adult for idiots like you. If you dont want to be arrested, dont get pissed and lairy.Simple. Everyone is cuffed, especially drunk kids with attitude.

What should I do about my filter being too strong?

I don't really want to get another one but i will if i must. and i mean MUST. only option. so anyway, my filter is reasonably quiet but when it takes the water back out is CASCADES and it pushes any fish around that gets to close. So a soulution was i slightly loosened the intake tube that takes in the water and that lessenede the waterfall but it made a noise like when its drizzling outside and you're in a tent.. is this ok for me to do?

Why do people assume this about me?

I think it depends on the age and maturity of the people around you. Whether or not they think it, it doesn't matter. Go for the one you like, and forget what everyone else assumes. Good luck, hon.