Sunday, July 10, 2011

Am I possibly interested in a 35 year old virgin?

I just recently met a guy on an internet dating site that I hit it off with really well. He's very handsome and has a wonderful sense of humor. I noticed right off that he is extremely self-conscience, but internet dating is awkward anyway. I went out on a few dates with him and his inability to loosen up had not changed. He never tried to kiss me at all; he would just simply give me a hug and hugging him was like hugging a fresh corpse just after rigor had set in. The situation only peaked my interest until he sent me an e-mail telling me that he thought we should be friends that he wasn't feeling a "spark". Well, I figured that explained everything and I didn't expect to hear back from him; but, I was wrong. He invited me to his house for dinner, made a rather nice spread, and topped it off with my favorite wine. So, I thought I guess he really just wants to be "friends". Since then, we've been hanging out quite a bit and I find that I am blowing off dates just to hang out with him. In fact, neither one of us is actively searching for anyone else. He's a very devout Catholic and my thoughts were that he may be taking the "no sex before marrige" thing to heart. I'm still very much attracted to him, but I don't want to keep this up if I'm only going to end up hurt. Any suggestions?

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