Saturday, July 9, 2011

Can any higher up make a teacher change a grade?

In my AP Psychology class we were given an extra credit assignment... I knew that me getting a B in the class would be determined by me doing well on this assignment, so i went all out typing a 5 page report and making it perfect. The assignment had a possible value of 20 points, and when i went to see what i got it said i had revived 10... i went and talked to my teacher about this, and she said we had to have our notes attached for full credit. Flustered i thanked her and left, i went home that day and looked at the prompt, and it said "Conduct your research at 5 different businesses, taking notes regarding the ages and backgrounds of the employees and their reactions." No where did it mention that i had to attach notes. So I went the back the next day and addressed said this to her and she claimed that she said it verbally to the class. I argued that her written instructions didn't match what she said verbally, but she wouldn't budge... is there any higher official i can take this matter too?

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