Thursday, July 14, 2011

Im 16 and was raped and now im pregnant?

about a month ago i was walking back to work from my lunch break and was grabbed and carried somewere close and they guy raped me , he was behind me the whole time so i didnt see his face. after what felt like hours i remembered that i had pepper spray in my bag so i reached in and sprayed him, once he loosened his grip i just ran i didnt even look back. i went back to work as if nothing happened. i dont know why i didnt tell anyone , probably because i thought no one would believe me since i didnt see what he looked like and someone would of seen me but i guess i was also kind of embarassed. anyway a couple of weeks went by and what i should of thaught about the day it happened popped into my mind..i was late, i should of had my period like a week and a half before. so i went to cvs and bought 3 pregnancy tests and they all turned out positive, i was in shock and and abit of denial, i had my whole future planned out and i was faced in a situation that no one should have to go through, but i stayed calm crying and getting angry wouldnt help i just sat there for like an hour in shock. now im 6 weeks pregnant and ive been thinking about keeping the baby, abortion is out of the question, ive always been against it and i dont think id be strong enough to go through with an adoption. i talk to my baby every night, haha i tell him/her that even though they werent made out of love ill love them like any mother would and more, ill be their mom and dad. im homeschooled so ill always be home with the baby and by the end of the year i will have more than 20,000 in my savings. i really need another persons opinions though, what are your thoughts? be honest.

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