Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Severe nightmares, even painful ones, should I be worried?

For a while now, I have been have very severe nightmares... I don't have the most enjoyable life and things don't go how i want the most of the time, so i would say im almost always stressed. I am 19 now and been having dreams, at least ones that i can remember, since around when i turned 18. I hadn't had dreams that i can remember since i was no older than 7. Now since i have been having these dreams, they have been becoming progressively more intense, nothing as far as wetting the bed or anything like that, just extreme confusion and constant sleep interruptions some nights and other where in my dreams, i feel pain, and when i wake, i still feel the pain, but it slowly fades away. For example, last night i was having a dream and i turned bad when a dog attacked me and lunged at my face. This is one of the first times i have ever woken with such a startled jump before, being completely flustered and shocked and not knowing what is going on for at least 6 minutes. Other times, i will awake, but i will not be able to move, yet i know for a fact that i am awake. I will not be able to open my eyes, but i can hear. I know for a fact that this is happening because i have an old fashion ticking clock on the floor with me, and i can hear it. I am starting to get worried that something is wrong with me as i am no longer willing to sleep because the things i see in these dreams are starting to trouble me as well as the pain and paralysis are starting to become annoying... So should i be worried about these symptoms and seek help soon or does anyone recommend anything i can do to help with these symptoms. It has gotten to a point where i prolong going to sleep because i am afraid of what might happen while i am sleeping, sometimes staying up to 5 in the morning, other nights not going to sleep at all. Any input would be appreciated for i don't have anyone to talk to...

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