Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why are things so different today?...?

Rules, laws, regulation, constriction, inflammation? Whats wrong witht the world today?... My dads frined and my mom grew up in the 70's... They said times were more laid back and less tightly controlled and everyone wasnt as worried about everyone sueing each other (i couldnt get a dirtbike b/c of no where to ride it without ppl fearing of being sued) and they said the 1970's had less enviormental laws, less seatbelt worries, less smoking laws, less rules and u could ur liscence at 16 not a permit and wait like 2 years to get ur lisecne. I wish things were like they used to be. Do u think the future will bring more laws and tighter and lesser freedoms or do u think the goverment will loosen its grip?

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