Monday, July 18, 2011

How to be more social?

When I'm around my friends, I'm perfectly fine. I can talk and joke and smile and yell and be loud easily. But other times, like in class for example, I"m completely silent. If anybody talks to me, I get really surprised and flustered, and I stutter. T.T I get really taken off guard when strangers talk to me. How do I get this to stop???

Loose Tooth HELP! What Should I do?

I got a basketball hit on my lower jaw, making one of my teeth slightly loose. I don't see it move when I try to move it, its connected to my other teeth through braces. The loosening seems from the gums. Should I just leave it and let if fix by itself? Considering that it is minimal loosening?

How to minimize cell phone bill?

I really only need a cell phone so people can get a hold of me if they have an emergency. Therefore the basic phone function as well as long distance within the U.S. is all I need. Yahoo community, please give me some advise on which cell phone company to buy service from and how to trim down the monthly bill to a minimum. Thanks.

White House loosens border rules for 2012 - Can you believe how corrupt this "man" is?

It's a familiar scenario here in the UK. Gordon Brown operated a virtual open door policy on immigration in the hope that he would gain votes from immigrants. Fortunately the indigenous population saw through his plan and voted him out of office at the first opportunity. We still have a huge percentage of immigrants here as a direct result of his attempted gerrymandering. Hopefully the new administration are aware and will grow a pair and start tackling the situation soon.

The police (uk) put my cuffs on real tight?

I work in police stations, being appropriate adult for idiots like you. If you dont want to be arrested, dont get pissed and lairy.Simple. Everyone is cuffed, especially drunk kids with attitude.

What should I do about my filter being too strong?

I don't really want to get another one but i will if i must. and i mean MUST. only option. so anyway, my filter is reasonably quiet but when it takes the water back out is CASCADES and it pushes any fish around that gets to close. So a soulution was i slightly loosened the intake tube that takes in the water and that lessenede the waterfall but it made a noise like when its drizzling outside and you're in a tent.. is this ok for me to do?

Why do people assume this about me?

I think it depends on the age and maturity of the people around you. Whether or not they think it, it doesn't matter. Go for the one you like, and forget what everyone else assumes. Good luck, hon.

Am i just being jealous?

One of my friends introduced me to this guy. I am not sexually interested in that guy because i am in a relationship. He sent me a friend request on facebook he also sent my girlfriend a facebook request. I became a little flustered because i am insecure because i have been cheated and lied to in my past relationships by men and women.

I made jelly (jell-o) with half the amount of water... is it okay to eat?

its fine; if its sweetened its gonna be sweeter and firmer than usual... but its still good to eat... ^_^ what flavor is it? i bet it'll be great for fruit salad!

I want to audition for SM entertainment...Help?

Umm, I'm not sure, but if u're living in Singapore, the auditions were last year.... And if you ARE from here, u should contact the company on today's lifestyle newspaper if u still want to try, maybe they might let u? Hm, I dont think u need to know korean, cos those ppl who were chosen here didn't knwo korean and they're learning it now. I think u'll probably just need to be able to communicate with whoever it is that's conducting the audition, at least that's what I suppose, but u do know english, so it doesnt really matter, right? Good luck!

Use the definition of a derivative function to find (5/sqrtx)'.?

Please include your steps as I keep getting different answers for this problem and at this point have no clue how I would solve it.

Is he interested or just a creeper?

He does sound a little creepy, like a stalker, which is too bad because you liked him and he did not need to be like that. You sound sweet! Good luck!

Bypassing minimum 1200 calorie intake limit per day with healthy food?

Hello, here's a question that my sister was wondering since today. My sister (and other humans) have to eat at least 1200 calories a day to keep the body functioning correctly. I monopolized her diet due to her inability to control her under/overeating, and I'm wondering: do things such as fruits and veggies with very low calories (or negative calories) make up for the 1200 calorie minimum? Or does she still need to consume the minimum? Also, if fruits and veggies will not bypass and make up for the 1200 calories (she wants to avoid fatty food) will things such as eggs, salmon, and other protein rich foods make it up?

How to repair loose pedal on shwinn exercise bike?

I work at a gym and the place where the pedal connects directly to the bike is loose. It looks like there is a bolt going through it from ther outside of the pedal into the bike. I am not sure how to loosen/tighten it or repair it. Any suggestions? Here is a website with a diagram of parts. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Suppose you graph a particular consumption function and find that it overlays (i.e., is congruent with) the fo?

Hint: the congruency between the consumption function and the 45 degree reference line means that for each and every level of disposable income, consumption spending equals disposable income. Additional hint: Neither value = .50.

Did I scare him with my compliment? What do I do?

Tell him your a harmless flirt some times and that you didn't mean it. You can also be a professional and talk like one for a wile. He probably is avoiding you so he doesn't get in trouble because of you. Try being a friend and less of a flirt.

Can you loosen the clutch to make it easier to chage on a honda 50 brand new?

No, the resistance in the lever is what it takes to operate the clutch. However, it sounds like you are using the clutch when you shift, like you would in a car. Motorcycles are made to "speed-shift" - just shift and leave the clutch alone until you come to a stop.

How can I write this function on VBA- Excel 2003?

I have a range of cells that I add data to on a weekly basis. At the end of the week, I cut this range and paste it in another sheet within the same file. The trick is that I have to paste it in the reverse order. So, cells from B--> H needs to be pasted in the reverse direction H-->B. How can I do this using VBA?

The police (uk) put my cuffs on too tight :(?

Not a silly answer. You deserved everythong you got. Don-t complain Years ago you would have got a good thumping as well to make sure you understood the problems of being drunk.

Why are my heat shields on my 04 Honda Accord loose and vibrating?

So, I had all of my brake pads, rotors, and calipers replaced at Firestone. About a week ago this horrible rattling was coming from my front axle. I assumed they forgot to tighten something, so I brought it back in. They said it wasn't their fault, but to fix it, it would be $600, because of all the labor to get to the part! They said the screws were loose, so the plates were vibrating. They said it wouldn't damage anything if I drove it like that. It is soooooooooooo irritating though. Something needs to be done. It happens at 1.5-2.5rpm's. I just have to accelerate faster or let of the gas. I think the sound is getting worse too. Anywho, could the mechanics have loosened this part on purpose so I would come back, or is it just coincidence that it happened a week after I brought it in? Also, is there any way to tell? Oh, and is it really a $600 job?

I have a loonie coin stuck in my bathroom sink! help?

Actually this is a pretty simple fix, Just cut that straight piece coming out of the wall in the middle and then after loosening the nut it will all come out. You can either just use a coupling to reattach the pipe where you cut it, you may have to shorten it just a bit, due to the fact that the coupling will not let the pipe go in far enough to butt up against the other end. Or you can go to the local plumbing supply house and show them what you have and let them fix you up with all new slip joints and a new p trap.

Help with bra fitting and sizes?!?

Ok so my boobs are just starting to grow and I wear a 32 A. Recently my bra has been slipping up. I try loosening the straps and every thing!! But it doesn't work! I also measured my boobs and it said I was a C cup. WTF? I don't have a lot of boobs.! Plus I don't really want to go get measured in fear my boobs are too small to be measured! Please help!!!!!!!! D:

Just got ripped off on a car? Can I return it?**ten points**?

So, I paid about 4000 on an audi 1998. The man I bought it from bought it from another man. The car had been in an accident and this man assured me he would fix and get it running up and stuff. Well now the sale has been signed and stuff.It is in 'as in' condition. But when I drove I noticed that something was wrong. I took it to meinke and they told me the car's transmission is pretty much nonexistent and that supposedly I have three days to return it? And I was wondering if anyone know the lemon laws and such in arizona to confirm it? Also isn't false advertising? I was assured a fully functioning car and clearly this isn't one. Well thank you. (:

Changing Toilet Seat Cover?

I have an old style Villeroy Boch toilet seat cover I want to change out. The screw (butterfly screw?) is underneath. I managed to loosen it up and unscrew it 1/3 way down a very, very long bolt. Then it just stops even though I can keep spinning. Does this mean the threads are stripped? It doesn't make sense that I can keep spinning the plastic part but it doesn't continue to travel down the threaded bolt. I don't have a bolt cutter so how can I proceed to remove this toilet seat?

My boyfriend fingered my under the table in Math class and I think the teacher saw?

I sit next to my bf in math and he was messing around and put his hand under the table up my skirt while the teacher was asking me a question. He put his fingers right into my underwear and started fingering me. Even though he was trying to be *subtle* about it, he was leaning right over and I think the teacher knew what he was doing, because he didn't say anything but he got really flustered. I didn't know the answer to the question anyway, so I was just sitting there saying nothing with everyone staring at me, and then I... *came* and I didn't know what to do so just looked down at my desk and closed my eyes and when I looked up my teacher wasn't looking at me anymore, he was looking away, and he looked embarrassed. But no one else seemed to notice? And then he just asked someone else the question without even looking back at me, and he didn't look at me again through the rest of the lesson. Did he know what was happening?? I don't really think I can go to class again if he did :( It was really stupid and I was so mad at my boyfriend after but it's done now....

Confused! mixed signals?

okay so there is a guy i know, hes a close family friend of mine and hes a 4 years older than me, im 15 and he turned 18 the other day. since last year he has been starting to show interest in me, like his mum tells me he thinks im beautiful but cause im younger he's afraid to tell me things like that. The other day he had a party and he got really drunk and came and sat next to be me in the front room where he placed his hand on my leg and left it there, i got so flustered that i pretended i needed a toilet but i came back and he did it again. Later on he came and put his arm around me where he pulled me into him and i was literally leaning on him and he whispered to me that i was a 'really good looking girl, and i could get any guy i like' he said i was really pretty, he then bet me that i could get anyone i wanted and looked into my eyes for about 10 seconds after he said this, then later he came and sat with me put his arm around me and kissed me on the forehead, next when we went into the other room i was with all his friends and just as we were about to enter the back room he pulled me back told be how beautiful i was and kissed me on the forehead again. However as our families are really good friends we went over there the other day where i found out that he had got back togethere with his ex, and he didnt speak to me once and ignored i was there really. So i just want to know like what the hell is his problem, can you help?

Do you go to church every Sunday?

I attend mass every Sunday religiously (no pun intended). I believe we have a moral obligation to do so, but honestly I dont go out of any perceived forced obligation. When you love someone, is it a chore to spend time with them?

I have a '05 nissan sentra 1.8 s and am trying to change the 2 belts 1 is the serpentine belt?? PLZ HELP!?

my boyfriend hs already got off the long belt that is in the front..but in 2nd belt wont loosen..he loosend the adjusment bolt by the power steering thing but the belt still wont budge at there a 2nd adjustment bolt somewhere that we are missing? please help we have been working on it for almost 2 hours.

Am i just being jealous?

One of my friends introduced me to this guy. I am not sexually interested in that guy because i am in a relationship. He sent me a friend request on facebook he also sent my girlfriend a facebook request. I became a little flustered because i am insecure because i have been cheated and lied to in my past relationships by men and women.

Help with partial derivatives of trig functions?

PARTIAL DERIVATIVE IS MOST EASY AS COMPARE TO DERIVATIVE.It involve 2 steps Q(1)-at first find d/dx f(x,y)=3cox3x and second step is d/dy f(x,y)=-5sin5y it depend on u what partial derivative do u find.d/dx sinx=cosx, d/dy cosy=-siny. 2)d/dx f(x,y)=e^y,d/dy f(x,y)=e^x.3)d/dx z=cos(x+2y), d/dx(d/dx)=-sin(x+2y), (!!) d/dy z=2cos(x+2y), d/dy(d/dy)z= -4sin(x+2y). soi think your ans is complete. remember you consider variable only those terms which partial derivative w.r.t (say x) you want find ,another variable suppose constant.number of variable in eqs=number of partial term eqs. i always try to solve all question entirely. you submit what think dont solved about Q.i try explain more tips and shorcut method . i am BSC(MATH,PHYSICS).GOOD LUCK

Sunday, July 17, 2011

HELP! Is it Phimosis? My foreskin won't retract, is it a problem?

I've just turned 15 and I also haven't retracted my foreskin but not to worry, try stretching exercises like pulling back your foreskin for about 30 seconds and make sure you don't feel pain. Or if you can, place your index fingers inside your foreskin and stretch. I went with the first option and within a month, it is on the very edge of retracting fully. Hope this helps! Good Luck!

Can we all agree now that Donald Trump was just a silly entertaining pastime?

Looks like his numbers are dropping. Which I'm pretty thankful for. I agreed with a few of the things he said but I doubt many true conservatives ever considered him as a real candidate. It's fun though watching him fluster the liberals! Oh, and getting Obama to bend over.

Am i being too uptight about this stuff? Should I loosen up?

I'm a 16 year old girl that is going to be a junior in highschool soonn.. my friends have all expirimented with drugs and alchohal before, except for my very best friend, who would never do any of that. I would never either, i feel like its basically degrading myself. I mean when I'm 21 or whatever of course i'll drink, but not now. Other than my best friend and i, most of my friends are going to a giant rave, which i don't want to go to/ not allowed to go to lol. Neither would any of them if their parents knew haha..soo basically i feel like im immature compared to them for some reason all of a sudden? Am i? Should I loosen up more..? Im really confused :/


Em sorta goin thru d same thing bt em sixteen..i cnt carry on a conversation with sum 1 face to face without wondering how my face looks..i cnt go out without wering some long shirt or blouse tp hide my butt..n all the time i hve to pull it down cauz i thnk ppl cn c my big butt....i cnt stop thnkin wt ppl r thinking wen i pass them or sit indront of 'em..i feel like a weirdo n i need help too:((

How long until my hair starts laying down?

I have extremely curly fine hair. It's like African American hair only lays in more defined tight ringlets and is less frizzy. I have been growing it out for 5 years and my hairdresser keeps promising me "once it gets long enough, the curls will loosen up and it wont be so tight around your face." Well when it's straight it reaches the middle of my back but when it's curly, it sits above my shoulders in a big wad of curly hair. How do I weigh it down?

Is he interested or just creepy?

sounds like he is coming on waaayyy to strong. you should let him know that too. and make sure you talk to your friends about it too

How do girls act around guy they like when their nervous? girls please :)?

Do you get a little flustered? Do you try not to show it at all? Does your heart start racing? Do you completely try not to show anything? If he looks you in the eyes, do you feel more nervous? Do you get itchy and hot? Do you feel warmer? Feel your pulse? Do you do your best to bluff it and make sure he doesn't figure out? What happens when you do that and he takes it wrong? How do you feel? Please help me and enlighten me because I'm a clueless guy? :)?

Am i just being jealous?

One of my friends introduced me to this guy. I am not sexually interested in that guy because i am in a relationship. He sent me a friend request on facebook he also sent my girlfriend a facebook request. I became a little flustered because i am insecure because i have been cheated and lied to in my past relationships by men and women

Why did this policeman put my cuffs on sooooo tight :( (uk)?

How many times are you going to ask this, I'm beginning to wish they had put them round your neck never mind your wrists

White House loosens border rules for 2012 - Can you believe how corrupt this "man" is?

It's a familiar scenario here in the UK. Gordon Brown operated a virtual open door policy on immigration in the hope that he would gain votes from immigrants. Fortunately the indigenous population saw through his plan and voted him out of office at the first opportunity. We still have a huge percentage of immigrants here as a direct result of his attempted gerrymandering. Hopefully the new administration are aware and will grow a pair and start tackling the situation soon.

Can he loose feelings for me after 2 months?

So there is a guy who likes me and we have known each other for 2 or 3 months. Anyway when the next school year begins I want it to be the same as this one.I don't want him to be just another person to hang out with cause he might loose interest in me by not seeing me in 2 months. We might talk once in a while and maybe see eachother once. He won't be seeing a lot of people though and there is only 1 or 2 people I am concerned of taking my place. I just want to know will his big crush on me loosen?He said nothing will happen between us and by a couple weeks he will be desperate to see me.

My friends say it would turn them off..but it doesn't bother me?

Don't let things bother you because you think they are supposed to. If everyone did that then no one would ever be able to accomplish anything. If it doesn't bother you then that is great!

Essay homework help... I'm lost...?

*Regardless of which position you take, emphasize how it relates to customer service. For example, you might say that by not outsourcing you grow the economy and provide more efficient help for customers. If you go the other way you could say it would keep the price down which keeps customers happy. Either way, just discuss how it affects the consumer*

Why do people always write "Go back to the kitchen" as a joke when it isn't funny.?

People will say to a hispanic person, "Go back to your country" and mean it. Nobody really means it when they say, "Go back to the kitchen." They're just trolling and trying to get a reaction out of you. Any reaction from any woman will do. In real life they are very powerless, tiny d***, immature little boys who don't have the courage to even say "Hello" to a real woman.

Tips on sneaking off/sneaking out without parents finding out?

Plan a route. Find the squeaky floorboards and/or door hinges. Look out the window at night and find the areas with deepest shadows. Plot the route you'll take to get out of the house. Once you're out, get a good distance away - anywhere from three houses to a block, depending on how quiet your street is - and get your pickup. Make sure that people don't talk about you sneaking out or your being at a party, especially not online. No guarantees that that'll work, though.

How to find displacement?

The velocity function is v(t)=t^2–6t+8 for a particle moving along a line. Find the displacement (net distance covered) of the particle during the time interval [0,6].

Why did this policeman put my cuffs on sooooo tight :( (uk)?

They know how to use them better than you do. The cuffs have to be tight enough that you can't slip out of them.

How can I get a buzz without drinking alcohol?

I want to loosen up and relax more around women and in general. So how can I do that without having to drink? Like I would want to go out but relax and I can’t drink any alcohol to relax me because that is an unhealthy way to relax. Any other suggestions to get a buzz or any healthy drinks and food to eat that will get me relaxed and feeling good without having to drink beer or liquor? Therefore, I can be sober at the same time.

How to deal with a strict father?

Alright so i want to start going after this pastors daughter. She likes me. but its just he is really strict with her. i mean i can understand he doesn't want his little princess to get hurt. but how can i talk to him and help him loosen up a bit and be able to trust me and just give me a chance?? i need help!

How do I know if she's over her ex?

My friend split from her boyfriend about 10 months ago. Now she was a right mess for 6 months. She wasn't eating, her sleeping patterns changed, she joined a dating site the day they spilt. Met up with random guys on the 2nd week. She kept doing things out of character. She's still hadn't confronted her feelings about him. She never ever did. She didn't cry properly. Everytime someone mentions it she gets angry. Now I don't think it's healthy. She likes some other boy. She says she's over her ex. I don't believe her. She hasn't dealt with it. Whenever she has seen him. She gets really flustered and goes in a trace. What do you guys think? Does she need a good cry about it?

How do i stop my subs from "pulsating"?

you have a "ground loop".try moving your amplifier ground.if that does not fix it get a ground loop isolator from a stereo shop.

Whats the inverse function of g(x)=(-x+3)/(-7x+6)?

I cant seem to find g^(-1) my original answer was wrong. If anyone knows how to solve please share. thankyou for your time.

Has Anyone Else Ever Misjudged A Police Officer Pulling You Over At Night And Got Too Close?

It is not up to you where the police pull you over, it is up to the police. You kept driving with the patrol car behind you with lights on. You are required to pull to the right when this happens, that is where the officer wanted to pull you over. Your actions created the unsafe location by not pulling to the right immediately

Why do 17 year olds have very few rights?

My 17 year old daughter had a fight with my wife today. My wife said that my daughter isn't allowed to wear make up and date until she is 18. I think my wife is too strict with our daughter. I met the young man she is dating and his family. They are decent Christian people. He is a year old than her. My wife thinks he is using our daughter for sex. She also thinks he is a pervert and our daughter is a helpless child. It's only a one year difference. After the fight, I suggested that our daughter stays with my parents for a few days. My daughter got in the car and went to my parents house this afternoon. My wife threatened to call the police and have our daughter returned to us if she isn't home by tomorrow afternoon. She thinks that our daughter is part of our property until age 18. I checked the laws and she is right. It says that 2 to 17 year olds are basically bound to their parents in the same way. It doesn't loosen up as teenagers age. Why are the laws so strict? Up until the 1930s or so, it was common for 17 year olds to get married. Why are they considered children these days?

Is he interested in my girlfriend or am i overacting?

I think that you are over-reacting, he probably just sent the request in a friendly way, but if this really bothers you then ask your girlfriend if it is happening and add that you just don't want to lose her and you were just wondering about it.

What exercises will benefit my riding?

I know circling feet is good but what else can i do at home to become a better rider?? Also what exercise can i do to loosen the muscles in my leg so i can mount a horse from the ground??

Why is my "potential" employer playing games with me. Is she? What's your opinion?

Don't know what she is playing at but would you really won't to work for someone who obviously lacks any organisational skills?

I want to be an actress, I'm a 13 year old strawberry-blonde with no experience. What should I do?

I'm 14 years old and want to become a actor, and the sadest thing just happen to me, I found out somebody I KNOW Is an actor today and starts filming in August, I don't know if this is true but it seems true

Saturday, July 16, 2011

If an airbag works right and no one is hurt, is the company liable for the financial harm of not being injured?

It's illegal to be purposefully injured so that you can collect money. So, no; none of those scenarios would have any legal standing.

I don't understand how speed reading works?

I dont wanna read all that, but speed reading is just looking quickly over all the words, and picking out key info/words on the topic

What happens when you get your mac air hinges repaired?

both my hinges broke,and my screen no longer functions,what are the steps they take to repair it?Do they remove or check your hard drive ?

Ex: sqrt(1-x) domain (-infin, 0) (1+x^2) domain (0, inifn)?

how do i solve for the domain on this problem the two functions appear to work they leave only x when simplified but i forgot how to find out for the domains

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated...?

I don't think you're gay at all, you just have a fetish for being naked in front of people. It seems that simple to me.

What is the you break you buy law for michigan?

I was at a consignment shop (used clothing) and while trying on a dress the zipper broke, and NO the dress wasn't too small for me. I informed the manager and she told me that I must pay for it and I refused. There are no "you damage you buy" signs and who's to say that the previous owner or someone that tried the dress on before me didn't loosen the threads near the zipper (the actual zipper didn't break, the threads around it got caught in the zipper) My way of looking at it is this: if you test drive a used car and a belt breaks while your driving, do you have to repair the car or purchase the car? Obviously, the answer is no. I would like to read the law myself, so if someone could answer with a link, that would be great! By the way, Im not saying that I have no responsibility what so ever, I would be willing to pay for the cost to get the zipper replaced or pay the previous owner what her share would have been from the store if they sold it, I just don't think the store should profit the extra $50. Thanks!

How to get over a good friend?

If he moved on, then you should, too! Just forget about him! Think of all the horrible things that he's done to you. Get a boyfriend, and tell everyone! Your ex friend will see you to laughing, and hugging each other, and he'll still be stuck in the moment! You shouldn't be friends with someone who ignores you for months. Move on, or else you'll never get over him.

What is better? Miss Jessie's or Deva Curl?

Hi, I have black hair with kinky curls that I'm really hoping to hydrate really well and loosen up the curls so that my hair looks better. I'm caught between these two lines and was wondering if anyone knows which produces the better results. Any idea?

IS IT A GAME........ OR IS H INTO ME?...........................…

Long story short, I'm talking to a guy I knew since highschool, be he was 2 grades ahead of me so we never really talked orbhung out but wherever I went, he alway noticed me and stares ALL OF THE TIME but never approached. Well now, 6 years later I sent him an email and asked if he recognized me, he replied the same day saying that he remembered me. From then on we began to talk. He graduated college, and is focusing on his hobbie rightnow, in hopes of pursuing his dream. and he seemed pretty stabled to me so I feel for him immediately! He asked on a few occasions if w can get together and hang out but I keep rejecting him because honestly in a bit shy and I'm busy at the moment with work (will be going on vacation in 1 week!) and I haven't really made time for him, even if I wanted to. He invited me to go with him to go jogging a week ago but I declined. He know what type of last I am because I let him know, as. Friend, that I'm abstinent and hang had sex because I'm very picky with who I choose to prays sexually. Too many guys nowadays are not worthy in my opinion and are dogs! Well anywho, it seems like he's interesting right? HEReS THE PRobLEm... I found out, through my sources that he has a daughter and might still be with his g.f/baby's mother... They are highschool sweethearts... He was rexenly with her 3 weeks ago, I found out through facebook so bow I'm super confused! When we talked he never brought up his daughter, nor did he mention being with his NOW ex. I think they're off and on, in my opinion... So I'm soo effing confused and flustered... He hit me up Time to time to see how I'm doing. He hasnt asked me out again yet because maybe he fears rejection. To me he seems like he's trying to take it slow... Maybe but I hate how he neglected to tell me he has a child and that he recently broke up with his ex... For all I know they could be together rightnow... I know that they clash and bump heads from time to time. And he's a hard worker an he think she's a bit lazy? He seems like he like girls who take care of themselves, aren't lazy, an educated. That define me! By .... Urghhhhh!!!! Who knows!!! so my question is, WTH! Is his intentions with me?!? And WTh is his motive?!?

My mother doesn't trust me?

okay so I have over-protective parents, I'm not allowed to date and stuff okay I dont care about that, recently I've been talking to this guy and we became very very close friends, we actually became best friends and ever since, she started giving me nasty looks and telling me that I'm immature and things like that and he's the closest friend I have and I never want to lose him just because mom doesn't like him she didn't even meet him and she's so judgemental, help any suggestions on what to do how to let her loosen up a bit, she doesn't like when I have best guy friends, so..please help.

How can I get a buzz without drinking alcohol?

I want to loosen up and relax more around women and in general. So how can I do that without having to drink? Like I would want to go out but relax and I can’t drink any alcohol to relax me because that is an unhealthy way to relax. Any other suggestions to get a buzz or any healthy drinks and food to eat that will get me relaxed and feeling good without having to drink beer or liquor? Therefore, I can be sober at the same time.

After wisdom teeth surgery, when can I....?

i had all 4 of mine out at once, and i was able to sleep flat again after about a week. the tension and pressure goes down after in a little while, so wait maybe like a couple more days and you can be able to sleep flat. mine were impacted too, i didn't do any mouth exercises, but i just moved my jaw around in a little once the swelling went away.

I hate my mother, you HAVE to read this, it is all real!?

I hate my mother so much, you seriously have to read this and think if it is normal. No question surrounds that my mother and i have never seen eye to eye. I am a straight a student, achived 3a*s and 8a's at GCSE and 4 A's at A level. My mother's response to me doing well after my sociology a level and getting an a was not well done son but rather i got an a in sociology in the most spiteful and harsh tone ever. Before my a level exam actually it was my mother's day off and she had already said she would not be taking me to school as she wanted a lie in. That was fine, i got the bus to and fro school for every exam and so it didnt bother me, however the way she acted this day really pissed me off. My exam was actually at 2 and she couldnt be bothered to even get out of bed at even 1 o'clock to drive me to school but the reason she would not get out of bed is because i could vividly and clear as day hear her having sex with her boyfriend. I had an important a level exam and my mother refused to take me at 1 o'clcok in the afternoon because she was too busy having sex, surely that's not right!?!. I confronted her about this and her response to this was not i'm sorry but rather, and i quote as i can remember, "it's my house, not your's, i will do what i fuc**ing want". I was ten minutes late for my exam because i had to get the bus but i couldnt even be bothered with the hassle of telling her. 3 days later, i woke up for school and she had left for work, i went in to the bathroom and she had left a used condom in the toilet present for everyone to see, including my 14 year old brother, absolutely disgusting. Her response to this was again, "its my ******ing house, i will do what the fu*k i want". My brother needed the bathroom so i had to fish a used condom out of the toilet. Obviously i confronted her about this and she literally went off on the biggest rant i have ever witnessed, swearing left right and centre, when i was talking to her in a manner, raised as it was due to what she had did, never swearing at her. She has also came down the stair's on christmas day with her dressing gown wide open as she was drunk from the night before. She has done this several times and one time she answered the door to my friend, who was then 15 with here dressing gown, as usual wide open, with everything on show and when i tell her to put some clothes on she constantly for some uknown reason tells me to fu**k off and stop trying to be her dad. This is not the behaviour of a woman functioning normally surely. My brother has also witnessed her having sex with her bedroom door wide open at 9 o'clock in the evening and my brother said her boyfriend (her 2nd boyfriend out of 6 in a space of 6 years actually looked at him and just carried on. My brother was in tears and came into my room. My mother accused him of lying saying he was making it up even though she could be heard clearly even downstairs and he would not lie or make up a story about such a thing. The amount of times my mother has said that she wished i never lived in the house and that she didnt have to know me can not be counted. She talks to me like i am subhuman and near enough every day, every couple of hours tells me to fu**k off and launches into a torrent of abuse for god knows reasons. The very moment i am writing this for instance, just two hours earlier, beacuse i have no money as i am saving up for univeristy and am in the limbo between exam results and university and so can not realisticly find a job that will be happy to employ me and get rid of me in 2 months, i couldnt go out today as i have no money. She launched with abuse about how i have no friends and go fu**k off and live somewhere else. This is commonplace, she constantly swears it me and i cannot honestly remeber the last time she has talked to me without swearing at me, i dont swear at her, you have to believe me, i really dont. This is not normal, i didnt even say anything to her to induce anything! She constantly lowers my self esteem as well and always makes me feel self conscious about my weight and appeareance. On one occasion she said to me do you think your good looking and i replied i'm average i suppose to which, my mother laughed and said something under her breath. This post contains just a small number of incidents with my, and i hate to say it, my mother. I can not begin to express the hundereds of other times she has done stuff like this. On a final note, i will talk about how the last time she has took me and my brother on holiday was when i was 10 years old. I understand she doenst have alot of money but the thing is she has been on holiday every year since with one of her many boyfriends. Do you guys think what i have said in this post is how a normal mother behaves. You have to believe me, i really not am lying, i am not that type of person. Everything i have said here is real. What do you guys think of

How can I talk to the guy I like?

Hey, its not that difficult and you have an in because you chat in class. Just keep talking to him, let him know in subtle ways that you like him and don't worry about your looks or comparing yourself to other girls. That just lowers your self esteem. I'm guessing your very pretty so dress comfortable and sexy but don't overdo it and just flirt with the guy. He will get the hint.

Knee pain getting worse!?

Went running yesterday (was an easy run, no issues, made sure to stretch good after warmup and cooldown) 5 minutes after my stretching my knees started getting really tight. I took Motrin and tried heat and ice but I couldn't get te tightness to go away. This morning when I woke up they both are still tight and I can't bend them (can't go completely straight and if I push my leg in I can get it to 90 degrees before it doesn't go anymore. Walking is a big issue right now (get EXTREMELY sharp pains in my knees when I walk and forget about stairs). I also am getting tingling and pins and needles behind my knee. It gets worse as the day goes on. Throughout the day I try to keep bending my knees to try as loosen them up (and avoid stiff knee) but t isn't helping! Any ideas on what it is and what it could be? It is in both my knees. What should I do from the pain other then Motrin and ice/heat???? Help!!

How to care for a big nasty scrape and not let it get infected?

Skin that has been so scraped that it is now a big red mass. Let it puss up and breathe? Also, there is a peice of toilet paper stuck in it and it hurts so bad when i try to take it out, if I take a warm bath will it help loosen out the toilet paper? Or will that be bad for the whole thing? WHat should I do abot this whole mess? I cant go to the doctors.

Did I scare him? How can I make things less awkward?

he most likely finds you attractive too, that's why he's been avoiding you. he wants to stay faithful to his wife and flirting with you doesn't help anything! say hello and apologize for making him feel akward with your compliment. just act like nothing happened.

Pre-calc help. exponential and log functions?

This is basically x^2=(4x/(12+radical x)). Log functions are all about finding what power you raise the base (in this case x because it is unknown) to get your given function (4x/12 + radical x). In this case you are given the result and the power raised to so you have to solve for the base.

How to build a stronger relationship with my crush?

So me and this boy have been talking for less that a month. school is out for the summer and i really want to build a stronger relationship with him so i can make him my boyfriend! I really shy at first but i jus cant find a way to loosen up to him. i really wanna have a relationship with him. I know the main problem is communications. i dont talk as much and i have a hard time coming up with things to talk about. What should i talk about? What things should i do to make him fall for me. Btw he already likes me, i jus dont want him to loose intrest. please HELP! this is like the boy you set your eyes on and you automatically KNOW that you guys HAVE to be together! its only right!

Is he interested in my girlfriend or am i overacting?

One of my friends introduced me to this guy. I am not sexually interested in that guy because i am in a relationship. He sent me a friend request on facebook he also sent my girlfriend a facebook request. I became a little flustered because i am insecure because i have been cheated and lied to in my past relationships by men and women

How can I get over being so shy around him?

Hey Abby. I know exactly how you feel.. I had this guy I liked and whenever I saw him I got so nervous I would shake, I got so frustrated with myself because I really wanted to talk to him and hang out with him, it took a while, but one day I just decided to suck it all up and go for it.. I still felt super nervous but I just took a deep breath and reminded myself that is was going to be okay and no one knows how you feel inside if you just try to keep relaxed on the outside.. Also, another trick I try is to pretend the other person is blind so they can't see me, lol... Hope this helps!! Good luck. =)

What helps pulmonary fibrosis?

My husband (70 years old) was diagnosed with PF almost 2 years ago. His lung function is currently 57%. Would, for example, the Indian Neem oil inhalation help in any way?

How can we move my grandma out?

My parents and I moved my grandmother in with us about three and a half years ago. A lot of good and huge things are happening to my family, but my grandmother is bogging us down. She causes a lot of stress and makes us turn against each other. She nearly deafens me with her Russian television every night when I'm trying to sleep (it's worse than it sounds) and she makes my mother unhappy. We have been considering how to do this because my dad (her son-in-law) is becoming more and more flustered with her. If she stays, more chaos. If we move her to a nearby retirement home, she visits often. If we move her a bit away, we'll invite her for entire weekends. We don't have any close-by relatives, and overall, we're stuck with an insane grandmother. Her behavior is incorrigible, SHE'S INSANE! How can we deal with her?

Give an example of a function and a formula for the function where the range is the set of all positive intege?

HELP!!! Im trying to help my sister in math but we are both stuck!! and we dont know how to solve this problem!! please help!! WE WOULD REALLY!! APPRECIATE !!:))))

Use the definition of a derivative function to find (5/sqrtx)'.?

Please include your steps as I keep getting different answers for this problem and at this point have no clue how I would solve it.

Why do i push people away?

I'm a private person for the most part. I don't like sharing more information than I need to when I'm talking to people but for by no means am I anti social or really shy. I have no problem talking with people and saying "oh I love this," or "I'm so clumsy," or things like that. Its just when people ( most of the time its guys ) get too close or show a interest in me, I get flustered and I space out. Then I push them away. Why do I do this? I've had a reletively normal childhood ( no scarring abandonment issues or divorces ) actually a pretty good one but for some reason I still push people away. It didn't start until about middle school and its gotten better but its still there. So being this way makes it hard for people to get to know me, or for me to date, because they think I'm either shy or a stuck up ***** when they talk to me. I have friends and one "best friend" ( we were really close in elementary and middle school, but we go to different high schools and we don't live that close to each other :( ) but no one really close that I feel I can share everything with them...can I do anything to make myself less uncomfortable and be more open with people? Really frusterated and thanks to whoever took the time to read this :)

Hurt and unable to earn income ... is there help?

Sorry for your friends condition... this isnt a steady job but I have received 3 $500 prepaid visa cards in the last 2 weeks, just do it over and over.. I have 2 more due to arrive any day. copy and paste this url.. good luck...

The police (uk) put my cuffs on real tight?

I think you felt discomfort for 45 minutes. It's hardly the end of the world, now is it? Take a lesson from the handcuffs and get a grip.

How do I get my parakeets to loosen up?

I just bought three parakeets the other day. They are all about 1 year old. They are always very quiet and go crazy if I stick my hand in the cage. I was just wondering if there is anyway to get them to relax and even loosen up. I have never heard birds so quiet. They sit on a bridge in the cage and just stare at everything. Also, since they aren't letting me get near them, what is the best way to bath them? And will they find the food on there own?

Summer camp fling? bad or good?

How serious are you with your significant other? Once you answer that question, then you decide if you want your fling.

My date got flustered when I kissed her on the forehead. Should I move on?

There's nothing wrong with a forehead kiss at all so don't worry about that. It's romantic and it's how my ex girlfriend and I kissed on the lips (it led to the lips that as I kissed down her face). I just think she wants to wait a little while- no reason to give up unless you feel like she's not interested. If she still wants to go out again then she likes you, she just doesn't want to move too fast. I know it can be frustrating but everyone is different. Good luck.

How can I ruin a bullies life?

I know its evil, but I want to know all kinds of ways I can pull pranks and jokes on a bully. This kid down the street is trying do bother me. I've already loosened the bolts on his bike so when he rides it it will collapse(he left it sitting in his front yard). I also snuck into his backyard and took his underwear off his clothesline and soaked in meat juice, he has a Rottweiler, so we'll see how that goes. I know it sounds horrible, but I have a broken arm right now because of him. I want revenge on him.

Whats wrong with her?

The obvious assumption is that the bit did the damage. but until you have her examined by your vet, you don't know that. There are other possible or even probable causes for bleeding of mouth tissues, and some involve exposure to toxins, or dental infections or other issues. only a direct exam by a vet will give you the diagnosis, so that is what is needed. in the meantime, watch what sheis eating and how she is handling her feed, and be sure she has plenty of cool, fresh water to drink 24/7.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Did i pull out a grown up tooth?

so a year ago i went to the orthodontist and i was hoping to get braces, but the they said i need to take out a lot of baby teeth before i get braces. so i took out all of them. the last one was this small tooth i had on my upper teeth and it was loose so i assumed it was a baby tooth that needed to be taken out. yesterday i was wiggling it and it came out. i cleaned up the blood and i realized there wasn't a ingrown tooth there. nothing, only my gums! i was crying because i remember one day i hit my tooth against a seat and it probably loosened a grown up teeth. it was probably a grown up tooth that was loosened because of that reason. what do you think? i hope i didn't end up toothless ):

How can u tell if a function is a "one to one function" ???? so confused as to what this even means?

one-to-one means that each output is associated with exactly one input. For example, y=x^2 would not be one-to-one because the input values (the x's) share y values (e.g. 1 and -1 share 1). When looking at a graph, it is like using the vertical line test to determine if an equation is a function, only you are doing a "horizontal line test." Simply, the x values have to have different y values. Any parabola, like f(x)=x^2+8x+1, is not one-to-one.

Why are friends offended if you don't want to drink?

The idea of peer pressure has been around forever... This is a common example of how one group is trying to change another to suit their wants. Don't give into the pressure!

What is the best gel product?

I want to buy a gel but i don't know the best product which will not harden my hair but keep it soft and will not lose my hair because i heard that the gel loosen the hair, i don't care if it's expensive, thanks.

Saxophone Embouchure Help!?

I've recently switched to saxophone from oboe because of marching band. however, adjusting the embouchure is quite difficult for me. the oboe's requires a very firm one, while saxophone is quite loose. do you know of any ways that I can help loosen my embouchure so playing low notes is easier?

What do I need to raise my baby?

Thrift stores and Cragslist are great for baby stuff, just make sure it isn't recalled. The only thing I would spend on, is the baby sling/carrier. You can find many in thrift stores, but most are WalMart/Sears/ and that type of store junk slings that are unsafe or uncomfortable. Look at baby wearing websites for ideas on a good carrier. I have a Slingling pouch, and a ring-sling from a href="" rel="nofollow" and don't fall for the Seven Sling 'free sling, just pay shipping'. Baby wear-ers have been giving this sling poor reviews. As for car seats, are you going straight for a convertible seat from birth? (the Cosco Scenera is great, and will last you about 4 years for under $40 at WalMart). Or do you want to bother with an infant seat (that lasts less than a year)? As for a stroller, you can find these without the infant seat, as long as it reclines you can use it for a young baby. Bedding; sheets, a mattress protector (if you go WalMart, pay the extra $2 and get the Sealy brand, not the WalMart one. much nicer) , and a not-to-thick blanket. For chilly days use a blanket sleeper. And check into those swaddling blankets. Our lil guy lived in his! This was the only way we could get him to sleep.

My horse is very inflexible and stiff?

my horse has a very stiff neck and when i try to stretch him he can barely touch his shoulder let alone my toe. is there any supplements i can give him to loosen him up? or really anything to loosen his neck up. like when i circle he looks like a plank of wood making a circle: he doesn't turn his nose in and just looks awkward. any help?

Can CPU fan not functioning properly affect the quality of games & videos?

My computer fan is running but it started to make sounds and it is not as cool as it used to be and my games got a little slower and videos got slower as well and quality has degraded. I updated my drivers and all..could my fans not working properly affect video quality/games?

Is he interested or is this just creepy?

Yes, it's VERY creepy. He's already being possessive and making you responsible for his happiness (needing to be around you all the time, not letting you out of his sight, etc.). I would keep him at a VERY long distance!!!!

I'm not sure if a guy likes me back or not.?

I like this guy but I can't talk to him. One of my friends and one of his friends were teasing him the other day, his friend saying they know who he likes, then pointed at my seat. The guy got really flustered and tried to go away. At least thats what she said happened. I need some help.

I feel cheated and violated for this 7yrs bgr, i am going to make a police report today?

i have a 7yrs bgr but it took for a worst turn when he call off the ROM last mth. we have a cool period of 1 mth but i initial to call him, text him cos i too miss him. he just replied we are on cool off period why you call me. i was very sad. i love him but he become a changed man after he proposed to me last year. he want more freedom, he feels that he is suffering with me for this 6+ yrs. need send me home, text me, chat with me, going out to same place for this 7yrs. i start to loosen him but now he cheated on me. he likes his colleague. i was told be another female colleague that he with this gal and few more guys colleagues have been frequent going out. i have the gal fb and scolded her for being the 3rd party. she told me hse left the office because of him. i dont like him. the guy i like which wk in the same company left. she too text my bf a clear signal they cant be together and ask me check his hp for that msg she sent. to my surprised, there was intimate sms.. and watsapp hourly chatting, he been brushing me aside he is busy at wk but was chatting with her. he even told me his love for me have decrease. he scare that he dont love me anymore. next min he told me this. tha gal have left the company~ can you forgive and forget. lets be together. i really feel damn cheated. 7yrs bgr he did this fling to end it. he was all along a faithful guy but now. he told me im the only gal he loves and i gave him my 1st time after 3mths we been together. we even have our flat ready soon. i feel violated and used. his beast need was weekly. even when we went out shopping he cant ctrl and did it in fitting room. till times goes by we went hotel. now recently is his home. he even did it when i have that. i really feel violated now. he said if i want go make a police report. you only bring shame to your family. i dont lose a thing. all gd times we had together is just to coax me cause to satisfied his desire for sex. i really feel humilated by him.

Totally serious and really in need of advice...?

I fell in love with a guy a little over a year ago. We really hit it off. We got along well, we had each other's best interest at heart, and it's safe to say we were completely in love. He quickly became everything to me. Our relationship can be described as intense and fast paced. We knew each other so well, we just knew what the other was thinking, or their opinion. My parents weren't very happy with the relationship, as they thought it was too fast, and too intense. (My parents have a tendency to be really over protective.) They decided to send me to a boarding school where I wouldn't see him anymore. The first two months, I wasn't allowed to call him, on my parents orders. He would often facebook me that he missed me and was waiting for me. He said he would wait for me for as long as it took. Then my parents loosened up and let me call him. He was so happy to hear from me. For about two weeks it was good. We knew the common way with long distance relationships but we were determined to make it work. Well the common way ended up being the way. I was still in love with him when he started not saying "I love you" back to me before we hung up. He stopped calling me those cute names you make up when your in a relationship. I got worried so I wrote him an extensive facebook message, asking him why he was being different. His response was that this wasn't going to work out and it was downhill from there. Fast forward six months to today. I'm single and not over him in the least bit and he's got a new girlfriend. I don't know what I should be doing. I love him. I don't want to stop loving him. What do I do? Please help.

Can I get in trouble for not pulling over for a cop?

Alright, so I was driving along at 35 mph in a 35 mph zone. All of a sudden I noticed that this cop was quickly approaching my car from behind with its lights flashing. I panicked, thinking that it was me who was in trouble, and in that flustered state I forgot to pull over. I finally started to slow down and pull over but by that time the cop had already begun to speed up and pass me. Can I get in trouble for not getting out of the cop's way? I mean, I at least attempted to pull over as soon as I got out of my shocked state.

Do girls fidget when they like you?

no it's a sign of being uncomfortable. Why do you do those things? She probably just wants out of the situation or needs to be some place else, or just does not want to be seen with you

My dog is constantly coughing..?

He licks himself and the carpet, jack russel, so he sheds. eating the hair could accumulate a hairball but we've given him meds to try to loosen it, all it did was make him throw up. He hacks about three times and then gags. nothing comes out though. help!

Why some people blush and others don't?

I can go red very easily, does anyone know why my skin reacts with embarrassment this way and other people when nervous or embarrassed just look uncomfortable and awkward but some people actually show the signs if being flustered ? Like me!

Does he like me as more then a friend?

I believe you guys are on the friend level still...he was being friendly by commenting on your photos and asking about you. But other then that, I doubt he's interested. If a guy is truly interested in you, he'll say it, and he'll go out of his way to show you that he's truly interested.

The police put the cuffs on toooo tight?

Wow Mark...or is it Kayleigh? That's a shame. You not only ask this frequently, but have a sex change in the process...

How come i can't function right every time i'm near my ex?

It's normal to feel that way around your ex. I feel the same way around my ex, the feeling will go away with time

Please help, braces and a loose tooth!?

Ok so mybRETARD sister elbowed me in the chin and i just got my braces this morning, and they were hurting before and now they are like on fire! And my bottom Janine tooth is like loose because i bit down so hard :( i know braces loosen the roots to move the teeth, so my tooth won't fall out right? Is this even due to the elbowing or is ot normal for them to be wiggly the first day. Thanks

Body Wave Perm -- Curls Too Tight....?

I just had a body wave perm & the curls are too tight. if i blowdry my hair, will it loosen the curl or cause damage? anybody have any advice? Thanks!!

Please help me solve this , I need to find the profit for 5 different values of x?

the annual profit in thousands of dollars and the function is P(x)=12x-100, where x is the number of items sold in thousands xgreater than or less than 10., and I need to find the profit for 5 different values of x.

Why don't I ever get asked out?

Maybe because you may come off as having a boyfriend as you say, or you may come off as like uhhh im too good for you, but it doesnt sound like you are at all, maybe people think that because thats what they usually think of pretty girls, uh trust me. Maybe they're scared you might say no to them becauseyour to pretty for them, and they dont want to be all emberassed. If you really want to be asked out, make yourself available. Let them know yu are attracted to them. But goodluck:)

What can i do to reclaim wasted space in our tiny yard?

If you think of a box when you come out of the house into the back yard, to the opposite end and dead center is a stone fireplace that's been there forever. we do use it and enjoy it. to the right and coming up from the back there is maple tree, then the garage door and then the gate to the driveway. On the left is our daughter's swing set. there is some open green space in the middle that the kids use to play and run around. off the house is a deck and patio. back on the left there is an extra strip that goes back maybe 30 feet and is probably 10 or 12 feet deep. towards the front of that space is a big tree (over 100 years old) that we would never cut, but the roots make it impossible to grow anything. and because it is "around the corner" it never gets used. any suggestions on what we could do to make it functioning usable space?

I just tried to kill myself but I'm still here, and I need stitches. What do I do now?

I'm a teenager btw. I tried cutting open my vein late last night, but I just couldn't let my mom wake up to me just laying dead on the bathroom floor, so I bandaged up my wrist which was bleeding so much I had to rebandage it again like 30 minutes later because the bandage was soaked. Anyway, it's morning, and I don't know what to do now. I think I should tell my mom, but I dunno how to say it, and she'll probably be really mad at and think I did it for attention. I can't just leave it, because it's really deep and the skin is like spread apart. I definitely need stitches. I have a bottle of oxycodene (I think that's it anyway) and I might just take them all. Either that, or tell my mom and have her be all flustered, and I'll get hospitalized and all that ****. Ugh, **** it, somebody just tell me how to tell my mom this. I don't think I can just pull up my sleeve and say "I tried to kill myself last night. I think I need stitches." then my mOm will do one of her infamous GASSSSPPs and I'll just awkwardly stand there and wait and see what she's gonna do with me. Help, please, I don't know what to do.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A guy asked me if my GF is "tight", if you know what I mean? But she still insists on him being a nice guy?

be witty tell the smug d*** that at least she doesn't have to fake it with you he can't prove that you've said that.

Why won't my ytunnelpro work?

i can log in on my ytunnelpro and use the im function but when i clik on join room i get a exception/runtime error and shuts/ closes messenger ....when i clik on a link to anything about ytunnelpro..i keep getting...oops,this link appears broken...dns error occurred.sever cannot be found...WHAT GIVES???

How to convince parents to get a dog/puppy...?

Its summer here, my friends and neighbors moved away and theres NOTHING TO DO. To make it worse, we put our 13 yr old dog down on Tuesday. It was depresing for everyong. My dad said that we'd never get another dog again no to do through this. Then, a few days later my dad and my mom agree they'd like another dog. I want a dog or puppy to walk with, play with, fetch, run around, do something other than watching tv and all that boring stuff. I know everyone needs time to gett over our dog, of course we willl never fully get over him, he was family and like my furry brother. My parents are in the middle- deciding whether or not to get one, they say maybe, they say maybe in a few days, or... months. Well summer is only 2 months and I HAVE NOTHIGN to do. My other friends are on vacation. Any tricks to get them to get a puppy? As soon as possible? My friend came over yesterday with her dog, that kinda loosened them up, we played fetc with him, pet him and what not, i could tell they wanted one badly. I know for a fact there's no problem with money for us and i did extremely well in school this year and every year before that. Heres the thing- id like one as soon as possible, and tricks to get them to think more into it. If we go to a pet store, my mom is tempted to get a dog she likes them a lot. But, even though we arent poor or anything, she HATES spending money she loves to save. In a way i think its cool that she does save, because we save so much and it just adds for us more money. But for once i think we should get a dog, any tips to trick them? Maybe not trick them, but anything as soon as possible?

Is he interested? Or just creepy?

i think he likes you and he's coming on strong, but what's the problem with him coming on too strong??? He's seen something he wants, so what's wrong with him trying to get it??? (i mean relationship wise). There are people out there like him including me, we spot what we want and we want to have it........ The only thing that should creep u out is his age and if u aren't creeped out by that, then there's nothing to worry about.... he seems pretty sweet though (coming to say hi before leaving for work)

Tips on keeping my cool during lunch and dinner rush?

well I work at arbys 55 hours a week and during the lunch rush from 11 til 2 our store does about 1500.00 an hr. I get flustered easily when our expo people, who are usually the managers, are being short and giving attitudes to us on back line. How do you handle yourself during your lunch rushes? I try not to let minimum wage screw my day up but it usually does because I'm a pr**k when I'm finally off.

I just wrote this, any Suggestions/Comments, etc.?

I like the last part " Love, such an awful, belonging thing." but it could always be put in another way...... Love is what your afraid but I'm still here waiting for you to stay.

Why does the sqrt(x^2) return only x? Shouldn't it return both x and -x?

When graphed (on a ti-84) it only graphs the positive return and overlooks the negative one. I know that if the negative points were included it would not be a function because it fails the vertical line test but why is that so? It seems to me that there's no reason a function could't have two points on the same vertical line.

What do you think of my story?

I love it. Mostly because I'll read almost anything with vampires and I love that you used my name for it. I know it wasn't intended for me, but I still think it's awesome. But you might need more detail if that's it for the chapter. But other that that, Love It!!!!!

Rotors siezed to hub, chevy cavalier?

I hammered for 4 hours to no avail. I have hammered it everywhere, in between the studs, the outside of the inner edge of the rotors, the outer edge of the rotors and from behind also. I have tried wd-40 and rust remover. I started with rubber mallet and then worked up to a 4lb sledge and I banged this son of a bit*h and still nothing has worked. I will not torch it. Also, there is no threaded holes for me to put bolts in to loosen it that way. Any help or tips would be great. I don't have a 3 way puller.

What foods can I eat that have no carbs/sugars?

I have type 2 diabetes, but no longer have health insurance or medicine. I cannot eat carbs or even fruit without my sugars skyrocketing. I have been eating a lot of protein and veggies, but I am feeling weak and think I am not getting enough calories. I work out at least 3/week and it seems to be getting harder just to stay awake. I need some healthy, low carb, low sugar ideas to help get enough calories to function properly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time.

Why do i always think like this?

No offense to the first answer, but this is not OCD nor Asperger's. This (to me) just sounds like a personality trait. I am very much like you. I even type IMs and emails in formal language sometimes. Though I am OCD, it is not these traits that defines that. OCD is a completely different diagnosis and disorder. It has nothing to do with formal speaking and thinking patterns. You also seem a little left brain-oriented. Left-brained individuals are more formal, logical, and "academic" than right-brained individuals. Hope this helped.

Why is she ignoring me?

Whoa boy slow down! She probably did have something that came up that needed her immediate attention and by you asking her all sorts of questions about it probably sent up a red flag that you are clingy and needy which is a major turn off for most women. You need to take a few steps back and take a breath and let her breath for a moment. Starting a new relationship that will last doesn't happen over night. She is probably taking time to let things settle down for a bit. The slower you move in the beginning of a relationship the longer it will last. You don't want the newness to wear off so quickly... give her about a week, let her call you or text you. The ball is in her court now. You don't want to chase her off by being overbearing.

Gauged ear infection?

I've been slowly gauging my ears for 6 years (because sometimes i would forget i even had them in and would stop going bigger) i wanted to get to 1 1/2" and i had just gotten them to 15/16 and all of a sudden the lobe around the plug got ginormous and hurt alot. the skin in the back started growing over the plug so i soaked it with warm salt water to loosen then skin and when i got it off the plug just popped out and showed that the inner rim of the lobe was basically rotting after two days of having it in. when i had put it in it didn't bleed or anything so i don't know why it got so infected. i was wondering because i had to take it out will it grow completely closed? the two sides of the lobe kind of scabbed together and there's no way to take it apart and i have to see a surgeon but i don't want to lose all that progress

How could artificial cranial deformation (skull elongation),affect intelligence or brain function?

Some examples of arfificial cranial deformation are of queen Nefertiti and pharaoh Tutankhamun, and other cultures throughout the world like the Huns, or the Chinooks. What are your theories on brain function alteration?

Quickest way to loosen quads and hamstrings?

hey im just a bit tight through my hamstrings and quads from AFL training last night. I play tomorrow and i need to be loose as im playing through the midefield. any home remedies or ideas to loosen them up quickly but effectively? Ive already soaked in epson salts?

Everyone, what do you think?

Do you think Atheism has essentially become its own religion? It has its own beliefs, its own rules, it has people constantly trying to convert you, its bigoted, it even has its own religious books. They can say its not a religion, but it DEFINITELY acts and functions like one. The only difference is they're unorganized and without a meeting place, and do not wish to go door to door. But since it has taken on the other traits, how long before it adopts those as well? What do you think? Oh and try to keep it civil.

Can't focus, can't function. How do I get her out of my head?

you should write a book entitled "Gotta get over it" because you do, all she seemed to want is to have sex in your story, if you didn't for some "special reason" that would just make it super akward that you couldn't preform

Why printers can't work with open doors?

So I have this HP Officejet L7680 and it doesn't work because the cartridge door broke and everything I put in the sensor hole to fool the machine that the door is closed, now doesn't work either. The door was removed 3 years ago and the printer has been functioning with a stick in the sensor hole. I need to use this printer and I find it ridiculous that this is stopping it. Can someone help me with my printer and also tell me why it can't work with the door open?

Is he interested or just a creeper?

He does sound a little creepy, like a stalker, which is too bad because you liked him and he did not need to be like that. You sound sweet! Good luck!

Does this guy like me? Or is he just not realizing it?


Why are Japanese people so quick to call food prepared by a white person as unauthentic?

I don't know much about Japan, but my wife is from India. I have noticed that most Indians are often very particular about Indian food. It wouldn't surprise me if that wasn't a fairly common thing for people of many ethnic groups to be very skeptical when someone who isn't from their group professes some knowledge of their style of cooking, and many other cultural things. You would have to do an exceptionally good job of it to be considered okay. I can understand why they might feel that way.

Can an consignment store make you pay for a dress that the zipper broke while trying it on?

I tried on a dress and the zipper broke. I was honest and told the manager and she told me that I must pay for it. I refused to pay for it. Who knows who tried it on before and loosened the threads on the zipper? Can they legally make me pay for it?

Im 16 and was raped and now im pregnant?

about a month ago i was walking back to work from my lunch break and was grabbed and carried somewere close and they guy raped me , he was behind me the whole time so i didnt see his face. after what felt like hours i remembered that i had pepper spray in my bag so i reached in and sprayed him, once he loosened his grip i just ran i didnt even look back. i went back to work as if nothing happened. i dont know why i didnt tell anyone , probably because i thought no one would believe me since i didnt see what he looked like and someone would of seen me but i guess i was also kind of embarassed. anyway a couple of weeks went by and what i should of thaught about the day it happened popped into my mind..i was late, i should of had my period like a week and a half before. so i went to cvs and bought 3 pregnancy tests and they all turned out positive, i was in shock and and abit of denial, i had my whole future planned out and i was faced in a situation that no one should have to go through, but i stayed calm crying and getting angry wouldnt help i just sat there for like an hour in shock. now im 6 weeks pregnant and ive been thinking about keeping the baby, abortion is out of the question, ive always been against it and i dont think id be strong enough to go through with an adoption. i talk to my baby every night, haha i tell him/her that even though they werent made out of love ill love them like any mother would and more, ill be their mom and dad. im homeschooled so ill always be home with the baby and by the end of the year i will have more than 20,000 in my savings. i really need another persons opinions though, what are your thoughts? be honest.

Whats does the way this guy acts tell you?

wow idk what this guy is thinking you should ask him and having dreams bout him?? noone can control who or what they dream about

Can you remove lace lock on Reebok Skates?

I was looking at some Reebok 7ks and i like them a lot. But the lace lock looks like it could be annoying loosening and tightening the skates. It looks like you can remove it but I'm not sure. And I'm afraid if I do it might ruin the skate or something.

Helpp please thank you so much!!!!?

can a logarithmic function have a base of zero also can a domain of a logarithmic function f(x)= log5 x be all positive real numbers?

We were at the car dealer and found out my credit score was lower than I thought?

and the salesman asked my boyffriend of 4 yrs out (we live together and all is 50/50) of the blue, if your credit is better will you co sign so she can get a lower interest rate? we were caught off guard and my boyfriend looke flustered and I jumped in, he's very particular of his credit rating and changed the subject. I eventually got the car at a decent rate but now thinking about it, I get upset and wonder if his heart is not into me or if he does not see a future w me. If it were me, i would have said well, lets' talk about it...but of course thats not what he said and not what happened. should I rethink our relationship?

Why does my husband ex wants to be my friend?

You don't have to be her friend. However, you do have to keep the peace. The facts is your husband has children with her. He will always be in contact with her. If you can't cope with that, you should not have married him.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is he interested or creepy?

It does seem like he is coming on a little strong. Just don't make yourself available for him to come around so often and when you talk make it short. That way he will get the point and step back a bit. He still likes you it will just give him a bit of a challenge.

Is this a good poem????????????????

its really good. you do know not all poems have to rhyme. i think it might be more powerful if u used words that make more sense rather than shoving in words just because they rhyme. the rhyming is a strong method that makes the poem flow, but it is not necessary in every line. but, it is still a very good, strong poem.

The police (uk) put my cuffs on real tight?

That's how handcuffs are supposed to work. They always leave a mark when you take them off. You are lucky the cops loosened them up at all. See, many people know how to get out of handcuffs if they aren't on super tight, so they have to do them up tight. If you don't like the cuffs, don't get arrested.

Flower and gardering question!?? Help!?

Hey I was wondering if you pull a little bit on the roots of the BOX FLOWERs you can can buy from home depot that come in like 6 in a pack. Do you pull on the roots to loosen them up a little or just put them in the soil tight?

I have a terrible predicament?

Ok I've been good freinds with this girl for 11 years now. I've liked her since I've known her. I told her I liked her 10 years ago. I live in different town but she lives in my hometown where id love to move back to. I come home every now and then and I always plan on telling her how I feel but never do in fear of damaging our friendship. I have a baby on the way with another girl but things always go south with her and I. She is from another state and I don't think she wants to live where I live anymore. This girl I like is also engaged but her man jjust went to prison for 2 to 3 years and she's not going to stay with him. She rushed into her relationship with him and it was a mess from the start. I'm going back to where I live in two days. I was flirting with her for the whole day yesterday and she flirted rite back. I don't know how to tell her that I've had strong feelings for her for the last 11 years and that I would drop everything for her. I'm all flustered and confused. I don't know what to do...

The police (uk) put my cuffs on real tight?

Aww, I wish they put the cuffs on looser. In fact, they should have just ditched arresting you and have partied with you. You're only 15-16, why does it matter if you kill as many people in car crashes as you've posted this question, aka 1290381209342304895345908 times? Even if you did it on purpose it wouldn't matter, you wouldn't get the death penalty (:

I'm really worried what should I do?

A few months ago my stepfather passed away from a massive heart-attack. His heart had swelled up and there were three blood clots. We think this could've happen from taking to much muscle relaxers. He took them because he would get a lot of tension headaches and he thought by taking those it would maybe loosen up the muscle would go away. But there was this warning on the bottle that said something along the lines that it could cause heart problems and my mom told him that they aren't good for the heart. But he ignored it. Well last summer around my birthday in August my biological father had died. Also from a heart attack. He had a bad heart. He had multiple open heart surgery's. He was also a diabetic. He didn't take good care of himself. He would eat a lot of sugary foods. He was a recovering alcoholic too. So that wasn't really good on his heart. Well like a month after my step dad died I would get these pains in both of my arms on and off. And I know one of the signs of a heart attack is I think right arm starts with pain. Or it could be left I don't remember. So I would start to freak out and think 'Am I gonna have a heart attack? Am I gonna die.' And just to add I'm not a hypochondriac. I started to act like one though. I know how they act my friend is a big hypochondriac. But before the deaths I had no problem with death. I wasn't afraid to die like some people. But now I am... I've dealt with deaths before these 2. So it's not my first time handling it. I've been scared lately that I'm gonna die of a heart attack. I don't know why. Is it part of the grieving process or something? Could someone give me some suggestions? Thank you. By the way if it helps I'm 16, soon to be 17.

How can u tell if a function is a "one to one function" ???? so confused as to what this even means?

one-to-one means that each output is associated with exactly one input. For example, y=x^2 would not be one-to-one because the input values (the x's) share y values (e.g. 1 and -1 share 1). When looking at a graph, it is like using the vertical line test to determine if an equation is a function, only you are doing a "horizontal line test." Simply, the x values have to have different y values. Any parabola, like f(x)=x^2+8x+1, is not one-to-one.

Does he like me? Or is he a creep?

You didn't think he was creepy until after your friends pointed that out. Friends don't always know what's best for you. Maybe you're just a wonderful person to be around, to talk to... maybe he thinks you are very beautiful. Seems to me this guy wants to get to know you more. At least he was saying he would visit you at the bar you work--- instead of inviting you to his home/hotel or something (then that would be creepy) Doesn't seem like he's coming on too strong, but that's just my opinion. Only thing that matters is how he makes you feel. If he seems creepy to you, then don't see him anymore. Good luck!

I need advice on a few things please help!!? Its important?

Okay so please dont jugde me or lecture me . Okay so I need help losing a few pounds and really clear up my skin everytime I try losing a few pounds I can't stick to it. And the reason for this is because I'm going back into acting and modeling. I kind if messed up my face how can I get rid of acne scars. Does anyone know were I can get that new esteluader? And one more thing when using milk and yogurt incur conditioner to loosen curls does it matter which type it is. So please help

Just got my cast removed for my boxers fracture?

ok so 3 days ago i got my cast removed. i had the cast for about a month. the doctor said it wasnt that bad of a fracture. so now that my hand is free the doctor is making me do these hand excersizes for two weeks to loosen up my joint.he said my hands pretty much healed already. i can make a fist now about 85% of the way down but it still feels pretty stiff.will i be able to move normally again?oh and the doctor said i will return in 2 months just to check out how my hand has been after recovery. ps, ima weight lifter so does this mean i cant lift weight until they see me again or can i start lifting again as soon as my joint loosens up??

Please help! Im 21 years old and i think im developing a speech problem?

Sounds like nerves to me. Do you notice it more around specific people who make you uncomfortable? The solution is to make sure your mind is fully on what you are saying, not distracted by anything else. It is called "Being there and communicating."

I can't get the sound to work on my interactive whiteboard when my PC is connected?

The sound will only come through my PC and it wont come through the speakers attached to the whiteboard. It worked with the Mac but not with my PC. There must be a function on the computer I need to change but can't find it. Could anyone help please?

Do I have an anxiety problem or just extremely nervous?

anxiety runs in my family, and i get nervous and scared and all sorts of upset over small things, and dumb things that i shouldnt be worrying about. for example, i would get a really bad headache, and start making myself think i was going to have an aneurism and die, because thats how my grandfather died... so i went to my doctor because it was becoming a big problem for me too, and all she could say to me was that it was a mental thing and you just have to realize its just your thoughts doing this to you, you have to control it yourself.obviously that wasnt much help... you could go to your doctor and she might prescribe you some medicine to calm your nerves down, but more than likely youll get the same response :/ doctors dont really listen to their patients when it comes to stuff like that.

What is a good birth control? ?

What is a good birth control that helps you lose wright or doesn't make it hard to Lise weight I'm on mirana now an I hate it I gotta get it taken out I had my daughter 6 months ago an I was loosen alot of wight then when she was about 3 months u got mirana an started gaining weight I started exercisen alot still gained I stop drinking soda gained 5 lbs ! What's going on any good birth controls I can take once I get off mirana or any wight loss tips ??? Thanks guys

How should an 18-year-old get away from parents' control?

The parents don't trust you or her. Once they do, you can get away with anything. So earn their trust. Perhaps going on a date with the parents along so you can get to know everyone.

Is he genuine or is he being creepy?

I'd say try meeting him during day time in a public place. Not at your workplace during nighttime. See how he is in a different scene. He sounds a little weird but everyone is weird in their own ways. Hopefully not any bad ones. Good luck.

Does he like me? Or is he just creepy?

i think you should listen to your friends about the creepy vibe. i think he was definately comeing on too strong. maybe you should just kinda quickly untangle yourself from him. sorry :(

Gibson les paul headstock repair?

my dad cracked it a few years ago and i want to fix it how much will it cost? i loosened the strings so it wouldn't have strain on it... it's not completely cracked off but still you can't play it. is there a way to fix it with like gorillia glue or wood glue or something with out it losing it's like originality or something (my mom said it would or something?) please help? i'm only going to be making maybe 100+ dollars this summer so it MUST be cheap enough but maybe my sis can lend me some of her summer money...


You know that use to be my life right there besides the after school thing intill I hit high school then my parents loosened up a bit but you sound like one of those people who are sheltered their whole life and wen they go to college are going to go wild and crazy I wish I knew what to tell you :( but my cousin once told me that parents can only do so much in trying to control you so if u think u can deal wit the consequences you can try to go out on your own

Why are things so different today?...?

Rules, laws, regulation, constriction, inflammation? Whats wrong witht the world today?... My dads frined and my mom grew up in the 70's... They said times were more laid back and less tightly controlled and everyone wasnt as worried about everyone sueing each other (i couldnt get a dirtbike b/c of no where to ride it without ppl fearing of being sued) and they said the 1970's had less enviormental laws, less seatbelt worries, less smoking laws, less rules and u could ur liscence at 16 not a permit and wait like 2 years to get ur lisecne. I wish things were like they used to be. Do u think the future will bring more laws and tighter and lesser freedoms or do u think the goverment will loosen its grip?

Is it possible that i maybe has homosexual tendencies?

I hate gays. I belittle them and think they are scums. I said that so many times in chat rooms, but recently it came to my attention that i am so against homosexuality and i really really hate women. I was thinking i hate them, because my wife left me with another man and i was dumped several times. I have sadistic tendencies towards women. I like to abuse and use them. I can do that only in online because i am not a good looking or attractive man. I was wondering if there is any possibility that i can be a gay, because i am in depression all the time. I am not able to function properly. Looks like i am watching porn all the time to prove myself that i am not gay. I chose a religion that hates and degrades women.

What makes sweeping your membranes work? (If it does). ?

I'm not sure how it works, but it didn't work for me. I had it done twice, but still had to be induced. Good luck to you!

Severe nightmares, even painful ones, should I be worried?

For a while now, I have been have very severe nightmares... I don't have the most enjoyable life and things don't go how i want the most of the time, so i would say im almost always stressed. I am 19 now and been having dreams, at least ones that i can remember, since around when i turned 18. I hadn't had dreams that i can remember since i was no older than 7. Now since i have been having these dreams, they have been becoming progressively more intense, nothing as far as wetting the bed or anything like that, just extreme confusion and constant sleep interruptions some nights and other where in my dreams, i feel pain, and when i wake, i still feel the pain, but it slowly fades away. For example, last night i was having a dream and i turned bad when a dog attacked me and lunged at my face. This is one of the first times i have ever woken with such a startled jump before, being completely flustered and shocked and not knowing what is going on for at least 6 minutes. Other times, i will awake, but i will not be able to move, yet i know for a fact that i am awake. I will not be able to open my eyes, but i can hear. I know for a fact that this is happening because i have an old fashion ticking clock on the floor with me, and i can hear it. I am starting to get worried that something is wrong with me as i am no longer willing to sleep because the things i see in these dreams are starting to trouble me as well as the pain and paralysis are starting to become annoying... So should i be worried about these symptoms and seek help soon or does anyone recommend anything i can do to help with these symptoms. It has gotten to a point where i prolong going to sleep because i am afraid of what might happen while i am sleeping, sometimes staying up to 5 in the morning, other nights not going to sleep at all. Any input would be appreciated for i don't have anyone to talk to...

Why is the handwheel on my Husqvarna Classica 90 so hard to turn?

The machine sews and the tension is set for the loosest setting, and the thread is not too tight. I have cleaned under the dog and foot. Am afraid it is going to burn the engine out. Is there some way to loosen off the handwheel or ease the tension there? Thanks.

Friends say dirty things about me?

I don't know what it is, all my friends, boys and girls alike say they want to do sexual things to me. I hardly hear jokes about other people. No, I don't get flustered over it, I just can't get it out of my head. Some girl friends talk about me, wishing that I become their whore or stripper. Some guy friends say that they want to gag me and the such. I find it awkward, I'm not sure if this is the usual friendship experience. Is this normal?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How can I make friends? ?

I don't know what happened to me but somewhere along the way I lost my confidence and am no longer able to make friends. Idk if it has become my person that pushes people away or that I just get nervous now from low self esteem that I find it hard to talk to people. I kind of lost communication with my old friends because life got in the way. And now I try to talk to people like before. But I find it really hard to approach someone. And I feel like people just don't like me. Could it really be that every person I have encountered so far doesn't like me or am I just over stressing? How can I leave a good first impression on people? Or can I have some tips on how to loosen up a little? How can I make people like me?????

Is this 80 year old man coming on to my friend?

Ok, this old man definitely show interest in your friend, too much, I think, for an old man. He probably doesn't mean any harm, maybe he just got a little carried away by such a pretty young lady in his house. But I suggest if he takes all that 'rubbing' and 'kissing' any further, she should just calmly move away and not feel pressured or insecure.

Question about my injured arm?

I hurt my elbow in a skateboarding accident a couple of hours ago. the bleedings stopped and the scrape was pretty deep but it dont look like it needs stitches. But now my figers and palm are feeling kind of stiff since i hurt it there too i can still move them and they loosen up once i start moving them. should i go to the hospital and get it looked at?

One of my GF:s friends asked me if she is "tight". I punched him and now she is pissed at me?

split his head open with a rock and eat his brains that way you will sort him out and get a tasty nutritious snack :)

Please I need advice, why would he do this if I thought we were friends?

Possible he is scared to be in a relationship or just not ready for one. I think everybody is different, so to say why he would do/say anything is hard. Give him time and try to be that friend, I'm sure if anything is meant to happen, it will when the time comes. Keeping the pictures says he has interest in them, I'm sure there's a reason for that.

Could someone please Critique my writing?

This is good, it could be longer though. Does the rest of your book provide sufficient information and length for this to be a fitting end?

Questions and answers on function of the digestive system?

I don't quite understand your question. The function of the digestive system is to chemically and mechanically break down foods so that the body can absorb the nutrients needed.

Guys: Would you like this, or would it freak you out?

Honestly - you have nothing to lose! It's the end of highschool, and if he turns you down, you're out of there anyways! It could lead somewhere great and you probably would regret it for a very long time if you didn't make a move. You would always wonder what would have happened

Tips for beginning applique' with sewing machine?

I want to learn to applique' with the satin stitch function on my sewing machine. I have several questions. I'm using cotton and I plan to fuse shaped fabrics with Heat n Bond lite or Wonder Under. I'm wondering how to keep the fabric from puckering and how to keep the stitches even around corners and turns. Can anyone give me some tips? THANKS!

How to make my sunburned skin less stiff?

my shoulders and upper back area are really sunburned. im extremely pale so im kinda used to the pain of sunburn (i dont get it so much that you need to warn me about skin cancer). so anyway, i obviously move that part of my body a lot. it gets really stiff and it kind of annoys me. is there any way to loosen up my shoulders? thanks! (:

My boyfriends wants me to try ?

Talking dirty with him. He does it a lot to me and i really like it but I can't do it back like I just don't know what to say. Any help? Maybe a way to loosen me up or something?

Sleeping in same room as someone with stomach virus?

If you did not get it the last two times, you might not get it this time. However, considering how contagious stomach viruses are i suggest you avoid contact with her and watch you hands constantly and show two times a day. I hope you do not get sick and your sister gets betters soon.

Trigonometry Question, help please?

Use the given values to evaluate (if possible) the remaining six trigonometric functions. cot θ = -5, sin θ = (sqrt 26) / 26, and θ is in Q II

Is it legal to hang out on parking structures?

So I'm a 14 year old boy living in ann arbor mi and I like to hang out on the tops of parking structures to get a good view of town and I also really like the wind in my face. I started liking to go up on them when I was a little kid with my mom or dad, then as I got older and started walking around town by myself I started going up there by my self, I always went and hung out there wile my mom was in church. So then just last night I was going to The Ann Arbor Summer Festival with a few friends for my birthday, and we were there for a wile, then we went down to the river, then they went back to the festival and I went to go hang out on a parking structure. No sooner had I stepped out the door to the top, three university police oficeres waved me over, asked me what I was doing there, I said I was just coming up there to hang out and they said that was not allowed, so I was like Ok I'll leave then. And then one Of them saw the 2 inch pocket knife that I always carry with me and then they freaked and were like "sire take that out and set it on the ground" and then they searched my pockets and had me write down my name, date of birth, and number, and my dads number, then they told me to beat it and didn't give me my knife back (granted I was so flustered that I didn't think to ask for it back but still they can't just take it write?)

Why did she apply the cuffs tightly when i got arrested?

Drunk asses are usually a danger to themselves, the public, and the police. The tight cuffs protect the cops from anything stupid drunken fools might try, and also protect the drunken fools from stupid things they might drunkenly try.

Is he interested? Or just creepy?

it really depends on how u perceive him, but it is kind of weird that you met this guy at a bar where you bartend and that he keeps coming in. he might be trying to use you. and he sounds really clingy. i wud drop him cuz idk it just sounds creepy to me. but its really how you think he is.

Why would a guy constantly stare at you when he has a girlfriend?

Men are wired in the brain to get turned on by sight so staring is a way of letting you know that your hot and i cant help myself

After a fresh stretch should I wait to take them out and clean them?

I finally got my 7/8" tunnels in today (from 3/4"). they are very tight and sting a little but its been so long since my last stretch by over a year. should I keep the tunnels in for a few days until they loosen up or should I take them out sooner to clean and re-lube them?

What does it mean when a guy does this?

He wants you to make the first move. He is hoping you catch him staring and say something to him. This way it takes the pressure off him and sorta breaks the ice. He hasn`t figure out how to approach you, but he likes what he sees.

Why do people assume this about me?

You solved your own answer. Girls look at you and think like every guy wants her..she's so pretty. who wouldnt want to be with her? But maybe for guys you are so beautiful that they feel threatened to ask you out. Almost as if they don't measure up to you.

Find the derivative of the function?

Let f(x) = 1.9^(1.2x). Estimate the derivative f′(2.1) to within two decimal places by using a small enough interval

Nut will not loosen on my bicycle?

I have a Paris Sport road bike from the 70's that I recently acquired. The seat needs adjusted, but for the life of me I cannot get the bolt to loosen to raise/lower the seat. Every time I turn it with a 1/2 size wrench, it takes the nut and the bolt in the same direction. Is there any ways I can just get the nut off so that I can adjust the height of my seat? Thank you!

I feel so immature and boring compared to my friends?

I'm a 16 year old girl that is going to be a junior in highschool soonn.. my friends have all expirimented with drugs and alchohal before, except for my very best friend, who would never do any of that. I would never either, i feel like its basically degrading myself. I mean when I'm 21 or whatever of course i'll drink, but not now. Other than my best friend and i, most of my friends are going to a giant rave, which i don't want to go to/ not allowed to go to lol. Neither would any of them if their parents knew haha..soo basically i feel like im immature compared to them for some reason all of a sudden? Am i? Should I loosen up more..? Im really confused :/

Ear hurts really bad, is this serious?

I'm gonna tell you that unless you're willing to risk becoming deaf, you should go to the doctor. Ear pain could mean a lot of other stuff that shouldn't be ignored, and it sounds infected.

I have tight foreskin. What to do?

start by easing it back, pull it back as far as it can go without you feeling any pain, anbe careful you dont break that piece of skin that connects the foreskin to the head of your penis. do this every day while you are in the shower an it will loosen up over time

Is he genuine or is he being creepy?

I'd say try meeting him during day time in a public place. Not at your workplace during nighttime. See how he is in a different scene. He sounds a little weird but everyone is weird in their own ways. Hopefully not any bad ones. Good luck.

Just another confused college grad! Have mercy?

I am 23 years old. I finished college in 09 with a bachelors in psychology and worked as a behaviorist with autistic children. I was quite hesitant to pursue this type of job because it can be physically harmful, but I still took the chance. I was hurt 3 months into the job and have been injured for 5 months (the doctor said it could be chronic). I am now sitting here wondering if I should pursue Master's or PhD or another career. I don't know what to do. I am embarrassed to say that I don't know what to do next. Here are the facts: 1.I am a great college student, but I am still burnt out. 2. I really didn't like my job the whole 3 months I was working there (a lot of racist comments from my clients parents and children who made me ill and were abusive towards me). I am a little flustered right now honestly. Please leave positive comments and thank you for reading.

Is there an Ontario employer regulation for amount of notice given before a shift?

I'm not sure but your going to have to look it up in your province, the standards should be there. However I'd think sending it via email is not the appropriate thing to do, because people can take days to check their inbox, she should be calling you.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Why do i push people away?

I'm a private person for the most part. I don't like sharing more information than I need to when I'm talking to people but for by no means am I anti social or really shy. I have no problem talking with people and saying "oh I love this," or "I'm so clumsy," or things like that. Its just when people ( most of the time its guys ) get too close or show a interest in me, I get flustered and I space out. Then I push them away. Why do I do this? I've had a reletively normal childhood ( no scarring abandonment issues or divorces ) actually a pretty good one but for some reason I still push people away. It didn't start until about middle school and its gotten better but its still there. So being this way makes it hard for people to get to know me, or for me to date, because they think I'm either shy or a stuck up ***** when they talk to me. I have friends and one "best friend" ( we were really close in elementary and middle school, but we go to different high schools and we don't live that close to each other :( ) but no one really close that I feel I can share everything with them...can I do anything to make myself less uncomfortable and be more open with people? Really frusterated and thanks to whoever took the time to read this :)

Plan B and period question?

The plan b pill can totally screw up your cycle. You could start your period early, or have spotting and get a period on time or late. There's no way to tell what's going to happen with it, it can be screwy this cycle and then straighten itself out next month.

Homeschooling due to anxiety?

I'm not sure about in the UK. But I do online schooling through VLACS in the US. Look around and find online schools. Some advice would be to make sure that you are motivated to do your work on your own and actually do it. VLACS is on the computer, so you don't have to go anywhere to take tests. There is a mim=nimum pace you must follow each week, for example do assignments 3.00-3.06 by June 13th. Tests are usually multiple choice or essay questions that you just type, and it just counts as more points just like at public schools. Try ffinding online schools in your area, those are the way to go!!!

Why am I always tired?

Are you feel anxious or nervous about anything because that can affect your sleep, when I was depressed I go around 2 hours of sleep a night and would wake up and couldn't fall back to sleep :(

When we say the population changes at a rate proportional to its size.....?

P(t)=Poe^(kt) Is the population at time t, dP/dt, the rate in change in population, is proportional to its initial population, and anytime there after. It decreases/increases relative to the population. I suppose a proof would be adding the function P to its derivative and setting it equal to zero...a homogenous equation versus a heterogeneous equation will vary solely on P, as opposed to some input function for 0

How can you make thick hair wavy?

If you are natural then, you can just braid your hair while it's wet and has leave in conditioner in it. Then, sit under a hooded dryer for about 30 minutes. Your hair should turn out like this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Homeschooling due to anxiety?

I'm not sure about in the UK. But I do online schooling through VLACS in the US. Look around and find online schools. Some advice would be to make sure that you are motivated to do your work on your own and actually do it. VLACS is on the computer, so you don't have to go anywhere to take tests. There is a mim=nimum pace you must follow each week, for example do assignments 3.00-3.06 by June 13th. Tests are usually multiple choice or essay questions that you just type, and it just counts as more points just like at public schools. Try ffinding online schools in your area, those are the way to go!!!

What do you think...?

That's beautiful, it makes me think of falling in love, and being only yourself with them, and watching over them, living life together forever, until death.


So here is the story ,i had a copper coil IUD fitted 5years ago and i have suffered ernomous side effects from thrush severe moods swings suicidal thoughts severely emotional you name it ,sometimes i will feel like i'm definately preggos all the symptoms from A to Z i've gone fron size 8 to 14 hence going to the gym 3days a week since i had the coil rang Doctors and they told me i have to go on a waiting list to get it out so today in the shower just looked at my huge waist and i pulled it out to be honest i had no pain whatsoever So the question is what to expect,when do my body start function normally i was fed up of being a monster to everyone i can feel the difference already i'm already positive.Thanks For Your Help

Is it weird for a guy never to have kissed let alone dated a girl at 20? (pics included)?

What worked for me and what I told my friend when he didn't know what to do was to. Go With The Flow. Stop thinking and just go on auto pilot watch quantity doing but really ignore the shyness. Good luck!!!

What can i do to reclaim wasted space in our tiny yard?

If you think of a box when you come out of the house into the back yard, to the opposite end and dead center is a stone fireplace that's been there forever. we do use it and enjoy it. to the right and coming up from the back there is maple tree, then the garage door and then the gate to the driveway. On the left is our daughter's swing set. there is some open green space in the middle that the kids use to play and run around. off the house is a deck and patio. back on the left there is an extra strip that goes back maybe 30 feet and is probably 10 or 12 feet deep. towards the front of that space is a big tree (over 100 years old) that we would never cut, but the roots make it impossible to grow anything. and because it is "around the corner" it never gets used. any suggestions on what we could do to make it functioning usable space?

Why is the handwheel on my Husqvarna Classica 90 so hard to turn?

The machine sews and the tension is set for the loosest setting, and the thread is not too tight. I have cleaned under the dog and foot. Am afraid it is going to burn the engine out. Is there some way to loosen off the handwheel or ease the tension there? Thanks.

OOOOOOOOWWWWW really in pain HELP?!?

about 5 days ago i was in vacation in mexico. On the very last day i started to get diaria (i don't know how to spell it sorry!) any way yesterday the diaria stopped and was replaced with REALLY BAD pains all around my belly bButton(note that the pain wa saboutthree inches radius if my belly bButtonwas the very center. The pain feels like something is squeezing my stumack(again ssorryfor the very bad spelling) Lately the pain never went away, but sometimes the grip of "squeeze" loosens. To sum it up it really HURTS Any ideas on why im having pain? Yes i am going to the doctor. Also i really dont feel like oppening up spell check because my tummy is hurting really bad currently

Why does my bra leave an imprint?

go to victoria's secret and get fitted for a bra. i bet you're wearing the wrong size or wrong style for your body type. common mistake.

How to loosen dead fingernail from skin?

I slammed my thumb in the trunk of my car, and the trunk actually locked on my thumb which of course caused the nail to die. This happened beginning of April, and it is now June. The nail is completely detached from one side of my thumb, but still attached on the other side. Is there anyway to loosen the nail entirely? I'm worried ripping it off would hurt more than it needs to. Thanks so much!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I need help with this relationship?!?

I really really like this girl. now ive had a chance with her before and I kinda screwed it up by being to clingy. And normally im not like that with girls its just with her i just get so flustered cause i like her so much. And I was doing better this time with her not being pushy and i still am doing ok but now i txted her this morning and I havent gotten anything back and i am sitting here wondering why the hell i havent heard anything back and I know she could be busy and stuff and I just need to know what to do in order to calm down lol. If i dont hear anything from her should I txt her today or wait till tomorrow to talk to her? Thanks And any relationship advice would be great.

Could the removal of the gall bladder have any link to weight gain?

My mother got her gall bladder removed several months ago and is flustered because she has gained about 15 pounds since then. I told her I would look into the matter. I have done a little research and found that some affects after the removal of the gall bladder are loss of appetite and vomiting. Now, I would like to know if the opposite could also be true, or perhaps slowed metabolism or something similar.